Welcome to our Website 

Harald Sitta CC Reg No 2010/020111/23 is  doing legal and strategic advice & alternative dispute resolution . Out of court legal and strategic advise based on 43 years of legal practice and experience in Austria, Internationally and in South Africa . 

Enterprise philosophy: 'There are no problems, only challenges and 'no' is not an answer' 

Harald Sitta turned 65 on the 6th of August 2020, he is an old cynical war horse and does not give a damn anymore. That means we fight for your interests without if and when. Nice and neat as we prefer good manners and a constructive style in negotiations but also very definite if the need arises. 

Harald Sitta will 2025 turn 70 and he is still like Johnny Walker. We live - as the Chinese saying goes - in interesting times and in depth strategic analysis, combining legal, economic, historical, political and cultural aspects is needed more than ever. 

Please visit our Opera Event management website at www.sittopera.co.za 

 May 2024: To read the analysis of the present state of the Russian-Ukrainian war please go to www.rational-standard.com 

Dr Harald Sitta has written the book " Cross Haired "- a polemic philosophy, published by LESEDI HOUSE. Please visit www.crosshaired.co.za 

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